Here’s how this could work

CREW creative isn’t here to talk at or to you. We want to collaborate with you. From the beginning, we’ll get to understand your business, your people, your goals. From there, work begins, and after that, happy clients!

OK, we’re over-simplifying it, but that’s the high-level overview of what it’s like to wok with us.


Getting to know each other

Over the first hours of our time together, CREW will dig into your organization, your work, philosophy, and anything else behind the story of your business. This will be crucial in getting to the core of how to accomplish our goals, and makes communicating throughout our partnership easier.


The Heavy Lift

Now the fun part.

Based on everything gathered in the previous conversations and extra research by our team, we get to work on whatever it is you’ve set us out to do. It won’t be done in a vacuum however. We believe (and said it earlier if you weren’t completely paying attention) that everything is through a collaboration with our partners. Our intent is to make this less of a ‘business transaction’ or a ‘client & vendor’ relationship.

No matter the type of work we’re engaged in, CREW creative will remain in contact throughout the entire process. Our communication will be crucial to meeting the deadlines and deliverables of the project.

Finishing Up, Moving Forward

Once work is done, it’s time for the retrospective. We expect everyone to be satisfied and will take time to ensure that’s the case.

We don’t want to leave you with whatever pretty project that was created and let you figure the rest out on your own. Even after work is complete, we’ll hang around for a pre-determined set of time to make sure you have a complete grasp of your new website, materials, analytics setup, email templates, or whatever else we created together.